Have you or someone you know ever got to a point where you are having to pay exorbitant amounts to repair something that with maintenance would have reduced the time, costs and headache to fix it? See our maintenance hacks.
Over the years we have discovered that the less maintenance a centre has regularly the more tired it starts to look, likewise the safety hazards become more and more obvious, the facility in general looks and feels less appealing, intake starts to drop, staff morale is less enthused and the list goes on. Not to mention the cost to get it back in shape is more then what a retainer would be.
For one client the cost of not maintaining their floors meant replacing the vinyl. For another, a tiny leak rots the floors into their brand-new kitchen area and we had to remove the cabinetry to replace the rotten material.
Here are 5 maintenance hacks you can do to save you from the big costs:
- Complete an annual and monthly check of hazards in your facility and prioritise the urgency, type of service required, take note of any reoccurring problems or intermittent ones. Once you have your list, book in the right service.
- Have your gardens maintained 1-2 times a month, generally every 2 weeks is recommended.
- Have cleaners wipe down the walls every month to prolong the life of the paint.
- Water blasting your exterior can help to keep your facility looking fresh – once every 2 months should suffice.
- Clean the filter of your air conditioner regularly to improve the airflow and reduce overworking the machine. It is recommended this should be done every month. Note: make sure you’re not in breach of your warranty by cleaning the filter yourselves.
If you would like help with scheduling your next maintenance, click here for our scheduling tool. Or if you would like a quote on scheduled maintenance enter your details below and we will be in touch or phone 1300 363 423.