What we are doing?

Mathiou Services has always held the highest priority on the safety of our team and our clients. In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and as part of our business continuity arrangements our COVID-19 response team have undergone infection control training – COVID-19 and are continuing to monitor the developments daily. In response to further government orders we have implemented additional controls/measures.

These controls are to ensure the safety of not only our team members but also our clients to enable us to continue providing our services safely during this difficult time. All team members have and are regularly briefed regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and any further controls we introduce, as such following the most recent government update we are implementing the below effective immediately.

Please be aware that we will continue to provide all services, however have made the following changes to our processes to ensure we do so safely.

Office locations

  • Offices in QLD and VIC are open, with strict COVID protocols prior to and on entry
    • All visitors must advise if they have visited any of the hotspots created by the government.
    • On entry – sign in, sanitise on entry and adhere to social distancing
    • Where state-directed – masks must be worn


Allocation of works

  • Our team are contacting clients the day prior to confirm if all on-site parties are well, have not travelled etc.
  • If someone at the property we are due to attend has travelled, is in isolation, been unwell or in contact with someone that has tested positive to COVID-19 or in isolation, a supervisor will discuss further with management to determine if work will be carried out.
  • We will only be allocating team members that are well, fit for work and have not travelled overseas or to any of the hotspots where self-isolation is required

Arrival on site

  • Prior to arriving at the client’s door/ centre, the Mathiou Services Team Members will have the required PPE (state-directed), and sanitise hands. They will also follow any on-site client requirements (as applicable upon entering the site).
  • We ask that residential properties ensure that all doors are open. And access to the workspace is available for our team members.
  • Our Team Members will complete the required works, whilst remaining a minimum of 1.5 m from any on-site parties during their visit.
  • Once works are completed our Team Members will clean and tidy up the area they worked in.
  • Any wipes, disposable gloves/ PPE etc will be disposed of directly into a plastic bag and taken with the team member
  • Hands will then be washed thoroughly.
  • At the end of the day, the disposable bag containing any gloves/ wipes etc shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner
  • Our team members are directed to refuse service to any clients who do not comply with our social distancing processes/policies or if anyone becomes abusive.

Picking up supplies

  • When collecting supplies from suppliers, team members or the office location; our team members are to ensure they maintain personal space for a minimum of 1.5 meters at all times.
  • They must ensure hands are washed or sanitised when returning to their vehicle.

 Further to this, our Team Members have all undergone the government induction- infection control training – technicians have had flu shots. We also encourage our teams to login their details for places they have visited through the covid tracking apps to ensure they are notified if they have visited a hotspot.

We thank you for your assistance during this time, should you have any questions or would like any further information relating to how we are managing COVID-19, please see below our COVID-19 response team contact numbers.


Mathiou Services COVID-19 response team

  • Sjaan Mathiou – 0488 330 008
  • Melanie Maund – 0452 500 735

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

Last Updated:  4 July 2021

With recent outbreaks we ask that all our clients, suppliers and subcontractors inform us immediately if they have visited any of the hotspots and are being COVID tested, you can see the latest list in the link below:

Restrictions information by state





  • https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/current-status/hotspots-covid-19

13 Health website/ clinic locations