Painting a strata building is a daunting task, as it involves many considerations, such as the building’s style and character, the needs and preferences of the residents and any applicable regulations or guidelines. So if you’re new at running a strata building, we’re here to help. Read on to learn more about strata painting. 

What Are the Guidelines in Strata Painting?

Strata buildings are often subject to certain rules and regulations set by the owners’ corporation, which may include guidelines on exterior colour schemes. So before anything, consult with the owners’ corporation or body corporate. They may have guidelines on paint colours to maintain the style and character of the building. Check any restrictions on colours or shades you plan to use. 

Also, it’s worth considering the surrounding area and neighbouring buildings. You may want to avoid clashing with neighbouring properties or choosing colours that are too bold or garish, as this could impact the overall look and feel of the area.

Which Paint Colours to Avoid?

When it comes to painting strata buildings, it’s best to avoid specific colours. Highly saturated colours, such as bright yellows and oranges, can be overwhelming and may not be well-suited to the overall style and look of a stratal building. On the other hand, dark colours and shades can make the building look smaller and less inviting. 

It’s also a good idea to avoid trendy colours that may not stand the test of time and may become dated quickly. Instead, opt for classic and timeless colours that will have a more lasting appeal and encourage different types of people to move in. 

In addition to colour, it’s vital to consider the paint finish. Glossy finishes can make imperfections more noticeable, while matte finishes can be more forgiving. So it’s better to consider a matte or eggshell finish for the exterior of strata buildings.

Strata Painting guidelines

Best Practices for Strata Painting

When forming an in-house maintenance team to carry out strata painting to maintain the building or overhaul its design and look, here are the best practices you should follow:

  • Prepare, prepare, prepare.

Proper preparation is key to a successful commercial painting project. Before painting, surfaces should be cleaned, and any damage should be repaired to ensure the paint adheres well and lasts longer. This includes removing dirt, grime and loose paint from the surface. You may also have to fill any cracks or holes in the surface and sand them to create a smooth surface.

  • Choose high-quality paint.

Using high-quality paint can save time and money in the long run, as it will last longer and require less maintenance. High-quality paint is more durable and easier to clean. Also, you should choose paint products appropriate for the surface. For example, a flat or matte finish is best for brick, while a gloss finish is better for metal.

  • Consider the weather. 

Avoid painting in extreme weather conditions, such as during periods of high humidity or when temperatures are too hot or cold. Optimal conditions are usually between 10 and 30 degrees Celsius with low humidity. Don’t paint during the rainy season, as moisture can cause the paint not to adhere properly.

  • Use appropriate equipment. 

You can achieve a professional-looking finish with the appropriate equipment, such as brushes, rollers and sprayers. Different surfaces require different tools, so pick the right tools for the job. A brush is good for detailed work, while a roller is ideal for larger areas. You can use a sprayer for large areas, but it requires more experience and skill to use.

  • Work systematically.

Guide your team to work systematically, starting from the top and working their way down. This will help avoid drips and ensure the paint dries evenly. Make sure to paint in even strokes and avoid overloading the brush or roller with paint.

  • Protect surrounding surfaces. 

Use drop cloths, plastic sheets and masking tapes to protect surrounding surfaces such as floors, windows and doors from paint splatters. Doing so will help prevent damage to other parts of the building and make clean up easier.

  • Consider the residents. 

Consider the needs and preferences of the residents when choosing colours and scheduling the painting. Do your best to minimise disruption and inconvenience as much as possible. Notify residents in advance of the painting project, provide information on the timeline and any preparations they may need to make, and be available to address any concerns or questions they may have.

Should You Just Hire a Building Maintenance Company?

While some strata painting projects may be small enough to be handled by your go-to handyman or in-house maintenance team, larger projects are best left to professionals. Hiring a building maintenance company has several advantages:

  • Experience: Building maintenance companies usually have a team of professional painters who can tackle complex painting projects. They can handle everything from surface preparation to paint selection & application.
  • Time-saving: A professional company can complete a painting project more quickly than an individual or a team of amateurs, as they have the necessary resources and equipment to work efficiently
  • Quality: With pros, you can ensure a high-quality finish, as they have the training and experience to handle various surfaces and situations.
  • Safety: Painting a strata building can be hazardous, especially when working at heights. Commercial painters have the necessary safety equipment and protocols to ensure the safety of workers and residents.
  • Insurance: A professional company has liability insurance. They will be responsible for any damages or injuries that happen during the strata painting services.

Hire Mathiou Services Today

Serving across Australia, Mathiou Services has a team of qualified commercial painters who believe a fresh coat of paint can make all the difference to your building. Plus, we understand how time-consuming painting projects can be. So we offer after-hours painting services to complete projects with minimal interruption to your residents and daily operations. Count on us to get the job done efficiently. 

Contact us today to request a quote or schedule commercial painting services.