Early Childhood Educators Day 1 September 2021

Who’s your favourite Early Learning Childcare educator or centre?

Mathiou Services work with childcare centre’s across Australia doing maintenance, gardening, playground & interior upgrades. To show our appreciation to childcare educators, we are giving away FREE cupcakes in support of Early Childhood Education Day. We need your help to decide on a centre, by making a nomination.

So WIN a treat for your favourite Early Childhood Educator/s this ECE Day! Complete all three steps and NOMINATE a centre for us by:

1. Like and follow our Facebook page
2. Nominate the educator/centre you think should win by commenting on the facebook page post
3. Get more nominations by sharing the facebook post
The more votes for your centre/educator, the more chances your centre have to win FREE cupcakes for all the centre’s staff!
Nominations will close on the 26th August 2021 at 11.59am and a winner will be announced on Facebook at 12pm on the 27th August. Cupcakes to arrive either on the 31st August or  1st of September ready to celebrate your AMAZING educators on ECE Day.
The number of cupcakes will be determined by the number of staff in their centre agreed upon prior to delivery.

So, get your nominees in today!

ECE Day 2021 supporter

Terms and Conditions

 There is one entry per facebook user name. To be a valid nomination the facebook user must have completed all three actions to enter – 1. liked Mathiou Services facebook page, 2. shared the facebook post and 3. nominated the centre/educator by commenting on the facebook post) to be counted. Nominations are only for Childcare Centres or educators from a centre in Australia only.  Nominations close 11:59am, Wednesday the 26th August 2021. Delivery will be scheduled for the 30th August or 1st of September depending on the centre’s location and delivery timeframes. The number of cupcakes will be determined by the number of staff at the one centre location and agreed upon prior to delivery. A minimum of 12 cupcakes for smaller centres.